Ramadan: Bulan ‘Happening’ Jiwa

Menghiasi Ramadan Dengan Kemeriahan Ibadah Apabila Ramadan tiba ramai yang ‘excited’. Masing-masing teruja nak tingkatkan amalan, nak banyakkan sedekah. Sudah mula ‘target’ nak khatamkan bacaan satu Al-Quran dalam sebulan. Satu hari perlu dibaca satu juz. Kalau dapat dibaca lebih dari satu juz lagi bagus. Manalah tau kan ada hari yang uzur atau terlampau sibuk, dapat […]

She Did Not Wait

Our customers carry with them a treasure trove each time they walk into the office. There are many moments when we learn firsthand what sincerity means. There are also moments when we feel touched by the grit and determination shown. There are times when plans don’t work and the going gets really tough. We would […]

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